Saturday, November 11, 2006

Russian Propaganda Posters

Throughout history, many nations have proposed ideas that would change the world. One of the most widely used ways is through the use of Propaganda. Propaganda is anything that uses selected information to spread certain ideas, practrices, or beliefs. It can be spread through any type of Media, such as posters, newspapers, radio, or television. Studying and understanding Propaganda helps us learn the way each government or organization thinks and operates. We can see what they wanted the people to believe, and what they wanted to happen. For example, A poster of the Tsar being glorified shows us that Tsar is almost a hero and a "perfect" being. The poster aimed to get the obedience and love of the poeple for the Tsar, so they wanted the Tsar to remain a powerful figure. Propaganda has influenced the way people think and changed the outcomes of many nations.

This poster is trying to give the message that Lenin is great and that communism is the best government. The poster says, "The intellect, honour, and conscience of our era! Lenin." It is obviously trying to tell people that Lenin is smart and all knowing. He knows what the people want, and that he will conserve the Russian honour. It shows that Lenin is great because of Communism. The poster is red, and Lenin is red. Communism is apparently what they want to convey, as well as to present Lenin as a willing leader. This poster is red, and catches attention, and the white stands out. The white is the text and the picture of Lenin, so that is what we see above everything else.

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This poster, saying" Only the Soviet system was able to bring real equality of nationalities.", is a poster assuring the people that the Soviet
system was the right choice, because it brought equality. The poster is also trying to imply that other governments wouldn not have been able to bring the equality that everyone wants. It also shows Lenin holding a flower, which symbolizes that he supports peace. It shows red in the background, presenting communism. Lenin is shown with a determined look, which makes this poster effective and believable. Overall, the poster makes one more confident about Lenin and Communism, and assures them that they can trust him.

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The message this poster is trying to convey is that the work that the workers do will not go to waste, and that it will help the country become stronger. It says, "Our work will ripen to become our country's strength." It is trying to get the people to be confident about doing there work. They are trying to keep the people unquestionably obedient. It conveys this message by showing that the people hold the hammer and sickle, which is the symbol of the U.S.S.R. This means that the people have control, and they are shown in gold, glorifying the people, making them almost, invaluable. This poster is effective due to the use of the colors gold and red, which form a more different and impressive view of the Communist government's purposes.

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This poster of Stalin, which reads, "We are for peace. Stalin", is apparently a poster which says that Stalin is the perfect leader. Its message is clear; the government wants the people to be obedient to Stalin not out of fear, but out of loalty and support. It is trying to get the people to think that Stalin rules with the people's best interests, and that he wants peace for the U.S.S.R. This poster shows Stalin almost as a god, with the Communist's red flag behind him, showing that the Communist way is his motivation. The people of Russia are behind him, supporting him in all his endeavors. Stalin, is also shown holding paper, which tells us that he has plans, and will do what is best for Russia throughout the future. This poster is effective because it uses the effects of shading and tinting to glorify Stalin, and it shows all the main parts of the Russian way. The leader, Communism, and the poeple are all shown, giving this poster a feeling of completion.

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This poster, like many Soviet posters, use red as the main color, to present the idea of Communism. The poster says "There is nothing more superior than the term working man." The message of this poster is that it is good to be a worker, and if you are a good and hard worker, you are special. It praises workers, so it is trying to get the people to be proud and content with their occupation. They don't want the workers to want new jobs, or they might not work as efficiently. The mesage is shown through the color, red, which means that the workers are the pride and strength of the U.S.S.R. The worker in the poster is smiling, so that means he is hapy with his job, working to serve his country. This poster uses the color red to grab attention by showing only the worker and the Soviet symbol, whereas other monotone posters can be dull, which is why this poster is effective.

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This poster is a poster which seems to be saying that Lenin is the all powerful, all knowing leader, that will live forever. He has become a symbol of Socialism and Russia itself. The poster's text says "The symbol of peace - symbol of socialism. Lenin, the Spasskij tower of the Kremlin, and the Parliament building." They are trying to make the people obedient to the state, by saying that if they don't work, they are throwing away all the accomplishments that Lenin, a symbol of their government, worked so hard to achieve. It shows this clearly, by having only these three symbols in the background of red. Lenin is the most eye ctaching of the symbols, because he shines out. Also, Lenin, in gold, is shown as a revolutionary symbol, just as Communism is shown in red. He is in gold, as important as Communism.These elements make the poster effective in giving the message.

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Overall, all the posters tell us similar things about Russia and its people. Russia seems to be ruled by tyrants and dictators, who would keep their power by telling the people what to think and believe. The people had stabilty in their country, but with a price. They lost their freedom of thought, and became puppets to their leaders. Propaganda was used to control people, and influence thier lives. These are no just posters, but they are what the people of Russia had to believe. Communism failed, because power hungry leaders, whowould not heed anyone's advice, failed to see the error of their ways, which made the Communist government less and less powerful. The people, who had always been told by the government what to think, did not have the courage to rise up and make a change, when they knew that their leaders did not rule with the best interests of the people. Propaganda, ultimately, is just something that we look at for ideas, but can still be rejected by us. That, and that alone, would take all the power and influence out of propaganda.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The 1940's: A Decade of Hope and New Possibilities

Important Events, People, Technology, Artwork, Book, and Scientific Discovery in the 1940's

Important Events
Pearl Harbour (Dec. 7th 1941)
On the morning of December 7th 1941, on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, Pearl Harbour was attacked by Japanese planes and Submarines. The U.S. Pacific fleet and nearby airfields and Naval bases were attacked. In the aftermath of the event, 8 American Battleships and 10 other vessels were sunk. 200 American planes were destroted and about 3000 U.S. Naval or Military personnel were either killed or hurt. This event was impotant because it showed Japan's loyalty( the Axis powers) and it got the U.S. involved in World War II. This event shows that one's lust for power will only lead to one's demise. This is true for Japan.

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D-Day (June 6th 1944)
On June 6th 1944, the allied forces put in motion operation overlord, which was their invasion of Europe. This was the largest amphibious assault in history. After the gruesome event, the allies emerged victorious. They took many measures to ensure minimum losses, like decieving the Germans into believing that the invasion would be somewhere else. They owed their success to the supreme commander, Dwight Eisenhower. He did not think that the plan would succeed. He even prepared a letter explaining the operation's failure. However, due to the allied victory, he never had to use it. This event was important because it was the first step for the allies in liberating Europe. The were changing the tide of the war.

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Nuremberg Trials (Nov.20th 1945-Oct. 1st 1946)
The Nuremberg Trials were a set of Trials held in the Nuremberg. The people that were tried were involved with the Nazi's during World War II and the Holocaust. The British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was very strict about using the right methods, and he opposed Stalin's idea. Stalin's idea was to execute all the German captives. Churchill responded, that he would not just kill peoplke who were fighting for their country. Most of the people that were tried faced the death sentence, life imprisonment, or 10-40 years in prison. Few were aquitted of their charges. This event is important because it shows that justice will punish thise who are truly guilty.


Important People
Mahatma Gandhi
I think Gandhi(1869-1948) was important in the decade because he represented liberty, and using non- violent ways to achieve anything. In 1947, his peaceful methods paid off. India and Pakistan achieved independence from Britain. He was once jailed for conspiracy, which only shows that he , like all of us, have to stand for what you believe in.He is reminder to us that there are always alternatives to violent ways like war. Further more, he tried to end the Hindu-Muslim conflict in Bengal.

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Adolf Hitler
I think Adolf Hitler(1889-1945) was important to the 1940's because he was the one who started the war. During this decade, he ordered one of the most horrible genocides in history. The Holocaust was a true symbol of racism, and those ideas are the kind that create conflict even to today. He was certainly not for democracy, since he overhtrew the Bavarian government and became Germany's dictator. He represented nationalism, because he used it to get popularity in Germany and cause war. This was a negative way to use nationalism.

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Dwight Eisenhower
I think that General Eisenhower(1890-1969) was important in this decade because he was a main force of mot ivation not only for the people of America, but for the very soldiers that fought the battles. With his brilliant tactics, he outmanuevered the German Forces and brought about the liberation of Western Europe under operation overlord. The well chosen supreme commander of the allied forces brought an end to the second World War, and later served his country even more during his two-term presidency.

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Important Technology
ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
ENIAC was the first electronic computer built. It was designed to solve equations and problems. However, its main purpose was actually for calculating artillery firing tables for the Ballistics research labaratory of the U.S. army. It was also used to help design the hydrogen bomb. This invention was important because it was a gateway to a whole new branch of technology. Today's computers were all inspired by ENIAC.


Atomic Bomb
The atomic was a gesture of mass destruction. However, it is the reason the allied forces were able to defeat Japan. The two main decisions were to use the atomic bombs or to attack mainland Japan. The bombs were chosen due to fear that an invasion would result in too many casualties. An atomic's explosion is caused by the splitting of immense nuclei, which releases atomic energy. This bomb will always remind us to always use peaceful methods rather than a direct, violent approach. Even though Japan was the Enemy, the innocent people that were victims of nuclear radiation were not.


Important Artwork
Mount Rushmore
This is the largest piece of sculpture in the world. Located in South Dakota, this large sculpture features the faces of four U.S. presidents. They are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum started the project i8n 1927. He worked on it until the very end. His son, Lincoln, finished the sculpture in 1941. I think this monument represents democracy, since presidents of a democratic country are sculpted. I shows that the people in the past worked hard to ensure that today is what it is.

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Important Book
The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
This book was written by Dr. Benjamin Spock. It was published in 1946, and it was one of the biggest best sellers of all time. It sold 50 million copies and was translated in 39 different languages. It achieved all this by 1998. Dr. Spock studied Psychoanalysis, which was the study of children's needs and family dynamics. It made the new generation of parents more flexible and affectionate when it came to raising their child. He also made the ideas of discipline i children more strong. This book was important because it was trying to state a revolutionary message, you know more than you think you do, generally towards mothers.

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Important Scientific Discovery
The Big Bang Theory
In 1948, the Big Bang theory was formulated. Although it was not a discovery, it gives us a reasonable explaination about the creation of the universe. It describes how the universe and its contents were created from nothing. Scientists say that an explosion or a flash caused a process of expansion that occurs even today. It started from matter that had very high density and temperature, then it became a dense globe of gas that contained hydrogen and helium, and then it expanded outwards rapidly. However, there were no stars or planets. It wasn't until the universe was about 200 million years old that the first stars formed. This is important because it represents our nver ending quest for knowledge, and that there is much more we don't know about.

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hello! This is my blog!